Secretary General meets 23 students from Spain, enrolled in the 2025 Master's program, organized by Radio COPE

Twenty-three students from Spain, studying for the 2025 Master's Degree, organized by the Cadena de Ondas Populares Españolas, better known as Radio COPE, met with Sr. Raffaella Petrini, Secretary General of the Governorate on Friday morning, 24 January, at the Palace of the Governorate.
During the encounter, Sr. Petrini spoke to the students about what the Governorate is and how it operates, in all its various facets. The students were accompanied by Eva María Fernández Huescar, Radio COPE's correspondent to Italy and the Vatican since 2016.
During their visit to the Vatican, which is an integral part of the 2025 Master's program, the students were able to understand the difference between the Holy See and the Governorate, and the reality of a State at the service of the Successor of Peter, which is approaching the centenary of its foundation.
After their meeting with Sr. Petrini, the students heard from a fireman, who explained the activities of the Fire Brigade and demonstrated some of its rescue and first aid equipment.
Radio COPE is the number 2 generalist radio station in Spain and is listened to by more than six million people every day. It is part of the Abside Media group, of which the Spanish Episcopal Conference is the major stockholder.