Planting an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens with the Embassy of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See

In memory of the Apparition of Our Lady of Altagracia
Our Lady of Altagracia has been protecting and accompanying the people of the Dominican Republic since 1514. A replica of the venerated image can also be found in the Vatican Garden’s Bastione Maestro. According to tradition, the image appeared on an orange tree. In memory of the Apparition and in an effort to strengthen the bond between Vatican City State and the faithful of the Caribbean nation, on Tuesday morning, 23 July, Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Governorate of Vatican City State and Luis Emilio Montalvo Arzeno, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See, planted an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens. Salvatore Farina, Director of the Directorate for Infrastructures and Services, was also present at the tree planting event.
The following is the discourse made by the Cardinal:
Distinguished Friends,
First of all, I would like to greet H.E. Luis Emilio Montalvo Arzeno, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See,
Minister Counsellor Dolores Margarita Cedeño Pérez of the same Embassy,
With this gesture of planting an orange tree in the Vatican Gardens, the Dominican Republic, which is blessed to receive the protection of Our Lady of Altagracia, wished to recall the Apparition of Mary on an orange tree in the 16th century. Our Lady of Altagracia is also present in a mosaic in the Bastione Maestro.
We know that the faithful’s devotion to Our Lady of Altagracia is profound and has centuries-old roots. The Dominican people have always kept themselves close to Mary, throughout their often difficult history.
I recall that Pope Francis wished to express his closeness to the Dominican people by offering Our Lady a golden rose, which was placed at the feet of the Marian image on 15 August 2022, by Special Envoy Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, during the closing ceremony of the centenary of her incoronation.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Ambassador, who will soon end his term at the service of the Embassy to the Holy See, for his commitment and his efforts to consolidate relations between the Dominican Republic and Vatican City State. I would also like to convey my best wishes for the new assignment that awaits him.
May Our Lady bless all those here and all Dominicans.